The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (2024)

The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (1)

Lindsey Balbierz for NPR

First-time mom Priscilla Koczon, 39, loved being pregnant and expected to feel much the same way about being a mother. "I fantasized that it would just be really easy, that I would instantly connect with my baby, and my maternal instinct would kick in," says Koczon, who lives with her husband and 2-month-old daughter in New Jersey. Instead, she found herself grappling with mixed emotions and a changing identity as she struggled to find her footing. "Motherhood is hard," she says, admitting a simple truth that isn't always acknowledged.

Becoming a mother is a huge, complicated life transition that can rock every fiber of a person's being. The process even has its own name: matrescence. And while this term may seem relatively new, it was actually coined in the '70s by medical anthropologist Dana Raphael. "She kicks off a lot of her writings saying that in some cultures we say, 'a woman has given birth,' but here we say, 'a child is born,'" says Aurélie Athan, a reproductive psychologist at Columbia University. "And with that, the emphasis gets shifted on the child."

The idea of focusing on the mother wasn't further developed at the time because Raphael "needed to wait a few more generations for more women to become scientists who could then study this more themselves. And make motherhood a subject of seriousness," adds Athan, who is credited with reviving the term matrescence.

Athan compares it to the awkwardness of adolescence: "It's a holistic change in multiple domains of your life. You're going to feel it perhaps bodily, psychologically. You're going to feel it with your peer groups. You're going to feel it at your job. You're going to feel it in terms of the big philosophical questions."

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In other words, once you welcome home a baby, nothing is ever the same again. Yes, it is exciting and joyful, but it can also be completely overwhelming. So, as you ride the ups and downs of new motherhood, remember that this ambivalence is normal. The goal is to give yourself the time and compassion to adjust to your new role. But if you experience symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety, seek help as soon as possible. Life Kit has an episode on coping with perinatal mood and disorders here.

As for matrescence, there is plenty you can do at home to make sense of this life stage. Here are five takeaways that can help moms-to-be (and moms already in the thick of it) get their footing, ​​including tips on how to manage expectations, get the support you need and prioritize time for yourself.

Let go of expectations

While the process is universal and affects moms that go through adoption and surrogacy as much as birthing mothers, it can vary a lot depending on an individual's race, culture and personal experience, says Pria Alpern, a clinical psychologist who facilitates new mom groups in New York City. She suggests sitting down and reflecting on your life, going back as early as your childhood.

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Because your upbringing is bound to influence your maternal identity, she advises taking the time to really think about the way you were mothered. Ask yourself "what are the things that I want to replicate with my own child?" or "what are the things that I want to do differently?" she says. It's OK to chart your own course, she adds. It's about owning your parenting journey.

When you don't have a clear idea of what a good childhood may look like, you may try to find it on social media, says Nicole Woodcox Bolden, a perinatal therapist and doula in Chicago. If you catch yourself scrolling through other people's filtered photos and aspiring to be what Woodcox Bolden calls the "Pinterest Mom," try putting your mobile phone down. "It's a setup if you're thinking that every day is going to be perfect," she says.

Set up a game plan to ease the pressure

The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (4)

Lindsey Balbierz for NPR

Crafting a vision for the kind of mother you want to be requires thoughtful planning. Woodcox Bolden suggests creating a family mission statement to define your family's goals and values. This exercise is especially helpful for couples, considering research shows that relationship satisfaction declines after a child comes into the picture.

You don't have to draft an official document, it's more about having a conversation. Start with a few simple questions, she says: What does your family stand for? How will you and your partner support each other? And define any non-negotiables, like that monthly get-together with friends.

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Of course, when it comes to parenthood, you also have to think beyond your immediate family as you begin to build your village. Motherhood can feel very isolating, so it's crucial to identify the people who will show up for you.

"Maybe you're not going to talk to your mother-in-law about how you're feeling emotionally, but she's really good when it comes to getting groceries and stocking the fridge and doing your laundry," Alpern says. "Maybe your best friend lives across the country, but they're available for text support at any time."

The idea is to take some of the pressure off as you get into a rhythm. So, go ahead and ask your cousin to organize a meal train so that you don't have to think about dinner for the first few weeks. Close family and friends will be happy to pitch in.

Carve out time to connect with your body again

The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (6)

Lindsey Balbierz for NPR

For birthing mothers, whether your baby is delivered vagin*lly or via C-section, you will need to physically heal. Studies show that women need six to nine months to fully recover from labor and delivery — not the arbitrary six-week checkup with an obstetrician or midwife. Just getting adjusted to your postpartum self in the mirror can take time.

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"Some women might feel like their body doesn't belong to them anymore. It's changed so much," Alpern says. "Or if they're breastfeeding or chestfeeding, they might just feel, 'oh, my gosh, I always have a baby attached to me.' "

Leaving the house and moving your limbs a little can help. "Exercise is a way to reclaim that relationship to the body and release mood-boosting endorphins," Alpern says. She suggests something as simple as going for a walk around your neighborhood. "It's a way for us to get outside of our bubble and see that there's a bigger world out there."

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And if the thought of doing anything that isn't about the baby makes you feel guilty, don't be. Creating the space to focus on your own needs is a positive thing for your child, Alpern says.

"It is good modeling for your child to show them that you are important enough to take care of yourself," she says. "Self-care is kind of like fueling up your tank. You have to do it so that you can bring your best self to parenthood."

Re-center your mind to focus on you

The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (9)

Lindsey Balbierz for NPR

Your emotional well-being is just as important as your body, so take a moment every now and then to check in with yourself. Woodcox Bolden suggests setting aside five minutes in the morning and another five in the evening to pause and organize the thoughts swirling in your head. She tells her clients to write in a journal using a few prompts: "Ask yourself, 'What do I need right now? How can I remind myself that I am loved? What went well today?'" You want to counteract any negative self-talk by looking for the good in the day.

As you get more comfortable expressing your feelings, try joining a new mom group through Facebook or your local community center, Alpern says. Not only will sharing your experience with peers help you feel less isolated, but it's a way of debunking the idea that being a mother is all bliss.

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"When we don't talk about it, the myth of motherhood as this idyllic oasis is perpetuated in our culture," she says. "Talking about what's happening with you with other moms is such a pillar of support."

Making these connections takes time and effort, but it's worth it. Alpern has seen firsthand how, over time, mothers begin to bond over their shared experiences. "When one person shows their vulnerability, someone else might feel safe showing their vulnerability, and then the rest of the group is like, 'Oh gosh, it's such a relief that I am not the only person who feels that way,' " she says.

You will find yourself again

The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (11)

Lindsey Balbierz for NPR

Caring for a baby day and night is particularly difficult in that first year but as you get the hang of things and become more confident, you'll start to recognize the person you were and have always been. Rather than thinking about it as a loss of identity, Alpern suggests reframing motherhood as an evolution. One that will surely empower you. Priscilla Kozcan can attest to that: "I feel like a much stronger person. I've slowed down and reprioritized things — and I think it's for the good."

What helped you navigate the first year of motherhood? Send us a note at A producer may be in touch with you.

The audio portion of this episode was produced by Audrey Nguyen with engineering support from Gilly Moon. Art direction and additional editorial support from Beck Harlan.

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The emotional roller coaster of being a new mom (2024)


What are the struggles of a new mom? ›

Your hormones are rapidly adjusting to new levels and you may be experiencing the baby blues. These feelings tend to peak four or five days after you have given birth . You may be recovering from surgery or stitches, or be bothered by afterpains, backache, constipation or piles.

What is depleted mother syndrome? ›

Mom burnout sometimes called depleted mother syndrome, is the feeling of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, depersonalization, and lack of fulfillment caused by intense child care demands. Burnout is the result of too much stress and a lack of resources for coping with it.

How to emotionally support a new mother? ›

Be patient and supportive

It takes time to recover from having a baby. New moms need compassion and understanding from their support network. Remind them that they are not alone in this experience and they have people around them that love and support them.

How long does it take new moms to adjust? ›

According to survey results, after nearly five months postpartum, most new moms settle into their new routines and gain confidence in their parenting abilities: They learn what baby's different cries mean; they stop worrying about dealing with baby in public; they learn to be armed more snacks, spare clothes and ...

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Motherhood: Overcoming the Top 5 Challenges Faced by New Moms
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  • Loneliness and Poor Self-Worth: ...
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  • Tiredness and Lack of Sleep: ...
  • Struggling with Breastfeeding: ...
  • Impact & How to Overcome them:

What is an emotionally unavailable mother? ›

An emotionally absent parent avoids or ignores their child's needs and feelings. A psychologist shared some ways this can affect children once they become adults.

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Sacrificing supermom syndrome, the delusional belief of a mother genetically hardwired to prioritise all things for all people in her life, while sublimating her own needs, has been perpetuated by folklore, romanticised by cinema and propagated by social media.

What makes an emotionally absent mother? ›

They're not interested in the child's life (interests, friend groups, school work). They have difficulty expressing their feelings, even with adults. They're unable or unwilling to provide comfort during emotional distress. They're unwilling to engage in any feelings — positive or negative.

What to say to an overwhelmed new mom? ›

Tell Her How Well She's Doing

It's easy to feel like you're knocking it out of the park one moment, and struggling as a mom in the next. Assuring her that she's doing a wonderful job can do wonders for her mental health, and boost her confidence as a new mama.

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You might find yourself feeling angry, sad, irritable, or discouraged. Feeling this way doesn't mean that you're a "bad" parent or that you don't love your baby. These mood swings are believed to be caused by hormone changes that happen in a woman's body after she gives birth.

Is it normal for a new mom to feel overwhelmed? ›

As a new mom, you're not alone in feeling like an overwhelmed new mom. In a recent study, over 40% of new moms experience overwhelming feelings like anxiety, stress, and tiredness.

What is the 5 5 5 rule after birth? ›

The 5-5-5 rule in postpartum can help new mothers manage their wellbeing. It suggests taking five days in bed, five days on the bed, and five days around the bed, to be sure you're getting adequate rest. The first five days are intended for a mother to rest in bed, and have skin to skin bonding time with the baby.

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It can also help you recover safely to avoid postpartum injuries and reduce your risk of things like postpartum depression, anxiety, clogged milk ducts and mastitis. The basics of the rule consists of 5 days in bed, 5 days on the bed and 5 days around the bed.

How many hours of sleep should a new mom get? ›

Experts recommend that new moms get at least seven hours. While this study provides valuable insight into the importance of sleep, be patient with you and your baby in the postpartum period. Consider asking for help, sleeping when your baby sleeps, and forgoing bed sharing to optimize your sleep schedule.

What do first time parents struggle with the most? ›

Here are some of the Top 10 Parenting Struggles for New Parents:
  1. Preparation & Preparedness (Adjusting to caring for a newborn… ...
  2. Sleep Deprivation. ...
  3. Worrying About Your Child's Health & Development. ...
  4. Changing Your Lifestyle. ...
  5. Relationship Issues (Communication with partner, co-parenting, & overall need for support)
May 7, 2022

Why is being a new mom so hard? ›

Being a mom requires so much time, energy, sacrifice, commitment, and patience that yields little outside reward. The everyday routine, responsibility, and emotional weight can sometimes suck the life out of you. There are moments of pure joy and bliss where everything feels right.

Why is new motherhood so hard? ›

Being a parent to a new baby can be hard. The joy you get from coos and cuddles is mixed in with the hard work of infant care. It's normal to feel frustrated and exhausted. If your baby cries all the time or won't sleep, parenting is even harder.

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1-3 Months

The first three months with your baby often seem the hardest. Sleep-deprived parents can feel overwhelmed, but that is normal and you will quickly learn how to read your baby's cues and personality. Don't worry about “spoiling” your baby at this stage.


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