The Ultimate Digital Scavenger Hunt: A Complete Guide (2024)

The Ultimate Digital Scavenger Hunt: A Complete Guide (1)

What is a Digital Scavenger Hunt?

A digital scavenger hunt brings the best of two worlds together: it’s a fun, team building adventure, made easy by digital technology that streamlines the process for all involved. A digital scavenger hunt gives you the opportunity to explore as much or as little of your local area as you’d like, while integrating fun concepts and activities for your participants (making it a great activity for a number of different groups, as described below).

Who is a Digital Scavenger Hunt For?

A digital scavenger hunt can be designed for any one of a number of groups or venues, depending on what you’d like to accomplish. The list below gives you a few ideas, but feel free to expand on what’s below as you plan a digital scavenger hunt that’s tailored for your specific needs!

Team Building Scavenger Hunt

When you’ve got a group of people who will be working together in a professional or academic environment, a digital scavenger hunt is a phenomenal way to facilitate collaboration and foster new relationships. Challenges can and should include elements specific to your organizational mission, providing a fun and risk-free way to get your team familiar with each other and your corporate objectives.

College Campus Scavenger Hunt

College campuses are great environments for digital scavenger hunts, as they are always bustling with activity! College traditions and campus landmarks make creating challenges easy as well, giving your students a fun way to learn more about their campus community.

Conference and Trade Show Scavenger Hunt

What better way to spice up a conference or trade show than with a fun, digital scavenger hunt? With all of the vendors, activities, and people, building out a list of challenges for your participants to complete is easy - the only question is, who will get them all done first and emerge victorious?

New Hire Orientation and Employee Scavenger Hunts

New hire orientation can be daunting for participants, and a digital scavenger hunt is a great way to keep the learning going (while still ensuring your participants have fun!).

Zoo Scavenger Hunt

A zoo is a wonderland of fun animals and great opportunities for your participants to take entertaining photos as part of a digital scavenger hunt. Not only do they learn about new animals, they continue to build relationships with their fellow participants as they race to complete their challenges.

Classroom Scavenger Hunt

Looking for a way to engage your students in a classroom setting? A digital scavenger hunt is a perfect way to introduce them to new or existing elements in their own classroom and to foster new friendships with their classmates.

City Scavenger Hunt

A city is a massive and robust venue for a digital scavenger hunt, with a plethora of museums, restaurants, landmarks and other, distinct attractions to use in your challenges. Especially in pedestrian-friendly cities, a scavenger hunt is a great way to get your participants out into their local area as they have fun and learn more about their city.

How to Create a Digital Scavenger Hunt

Once you’ve settled on your venue, you’re ready to take the next step: building out your digital scavenger hunt! Doing it digitally gives you quite a few more options for what you can include, with a focus on interactive methods like photos and videos. The list below provides you with an overview of the vital components you should consider when deploying your digital scavenger hunt.

Use an App

This is the easiest way to streamline the process for both you as the administrator and for your participants. An app delivers all the benefits of automation and efficiency and ensures everyone is kept in the loop with real-time notifications and updates. As an added bonus, an app leverages built-in smartphone functionality so the breadth of activities can expand without requiring additional equipment.

Use Photos

Incorporating photo challenges into your digital scavenger hunt is an easy, fun, and memorable way to get your participants engaged with one another and your selected venue. Opt for challenges that ask your team to take photos with one another or, if you’re feeling bold, one or more strangers.

Use Videos

Similar to photos, a video captures the fun had by your team as they complete their requisite video challenges. Common examples include asking participants to sing, dance, or re-enact their favorite movie scenes with one or more people. Not only is it an entertaining part of any digital scavenger hunt, but the videos are also great to have for future use and promotion of other, upcoming scavenger hunt activities.

Use QR Codes

Using a scavenger hunt app on a mobile phone enables all of your participants to easily use QR code technology, where the phone scans the QR code on a specific object. It’s a great way to get your hunters focused on finding something specific, with a fun way to verify that they found it successfully.

Use GPS Check-ins

Another fun way to incorporate location is via GPS check-ins, an integrated component of all high-value digital scavenger hunt app providers. Get your employees to a specific location in your chosen venue, and have them prove it via the GPS data.

Use Trivia

Do you have a lot of information you want your team members to know? Incorporate it into your digital scavenger hunt! Whether your trivia relates to your organization and its history, or to broader topics like pop culture or current events, there’s nothing like trivia to bring out some healthy competition!

The Benefits of Going Digital

As you’ve seen in the variety of challenge types you can have, a digital scavenger hunt opens a new world of possibility for your participants. Along with those new possibilities come new benefits for both you and your hunters.

Automatic Scoring

Using an app takes the hassle out of the scoring process. You won’t have to manually collect and evaluate hunt submissions - it’s all done via the automated backend of the mobile app. Not only is this an efficient and hands-off way of tabulating scores, it also provides for real-time updates for you and your other participants!

Innovative & Interactive

Technology makes things easier, and this is a way to demonstrate innovation while supporting your goals for team building and collaboration. Your team will interact with each other in a new way, made possible by new technology.


The most competitive among your scavenger hunt group will enjoy the real-time leaderboard feature of most mobile apps, as it gives them the strongest incentive to accelerate their efforts in order to win.


All of the photos taken by your digital scavenger hunt teams can be displayed in the photostream feed, which is an amazing way to engage all of your participants (as they watch their peers have fun and complete each challenge). Submitted photos are also great to use for the future, where they demonstrate the value and fun of going digital for your team building scavenger hunt activities.

Social Media

Social media is a ubiquitous tool, and it’s best when used for the greater good. Your digital scavenger hunt app can seamlessly integrate with your participant's social media feeds, to further expand the reach and impact of your selected activities.

As you can see, there are numerous benefits of going digital for your next team building scavenger hunt. Although we might be a little bit biased, we think your best bet for accomplishing everything above is to use Scavify, our proprietary app developed with you and your employees in mind. It’s an intuitive tool that makes life easier for you as you plan, and your team as they hunt. Start exploring today!

The Ultimate Digital Scavenger Hunt: A Complete Guide (2024)


What are the answers to Penny's potions? ›

​Penny will test your knowledge on the potions you'll need to find the Cursed Vaults.
  • What's in Doxycide? - Dragon Liver. - Ginger Root. ...
  • What's in Forgetfulness Potion? - Valerian Sprigs. - I forget. ...
  • What's in Wideye Potion? - Standard Ingredient. - Wolfsbane. ...
  • What's in Polyjuice Potion? - Mistletoe Berries.

How do you plan the ultimate scavenger hunt? ›

How To Plan Your Own Scavenger Hunt
  1. Choose your location(s) and time. ...
  2. Pick a theme. ...
  3. Create your lists and riddles. ...
  4. Hide the clues and/or objects. ...
  5. Write your riddles/clues. ...
  6. First one to solve all the clues and grab the final object/figures out the end result wins!

How do you do a digital scavenger hunt? ›

To host a virtual scavenger hunt for adults, all you need is the internet, a list of items, some clues and a group to play. You can share the list of items in a group chat or email, then let everyone scatter to start the hunt. At the end of the time allotment, you can reconvene and name the winner.

How many clues are there for a scavenger hunt? ›

If you're running the hunt for kids and want it to be relatively short, you should not have more than 10 items, as it will become overwhelming for them. However, if you're aiming for a longer game with adults who can quickly decipher clues, your items could range anywhere from 20 to 50.

How did Penny solve the riddle? ›

In the Caltech geology lab, Sheldon and Penny find a riddle telling them to leave no stone unexplored. As they search under the rocks, Penny has Sheldon tell her how he solved the riddle. Then Penny notices the Rolling Stone poster on the door and finds the next clue, a latitude and longitude, under the poster.

What happens if you free Penny Hogwarts? ›

Penny is a part of the "Minding Your Own Business" quest, which is found in Hogsmeade. After the quest is completed, Penny will stay and run the shop whether freed or asked to stay, with minimal differences.

Is there a free scavenger hunt app? ›

Actionbound is one of the more basic free scavenger hunt apps. The platform originally started as an educational tool, and has since morphed into a digital scavenger hunt provider for companies, educational institutions, and individuals.

What are some good clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

FAQ: Scavenger hunt clues
  • If you want to eat, then take a seat! (Dining room chair)
  • One of me per day keeps the doctor away. (Apple)
  • I can't mix batter, but I can bake a cake. (Oven)
  • I come in pairs, I'm easy to lose, I go between your feet and your shoes. (Socks)
Nov 30, 2022

What is an example of a digital scavenger hunt? ›

Virtual scavenger hunts are remote games where players scramble to find items or fulfill challenges before time runs out. For example, a player may have to retrieve their favorite mug or take a selfie to earn points. The goal of these games is to have fun and encourage engagement for participants.

What is a virtual scavenger hunt? ›

A virtual scavenger hunt is an online version of a regular, in-person scavenger hunt. They range from fully digital events to hybrid games and activities. No matter which version you choose, virtual scavenger hunts are a fantastic team building activity with countless variation options.

What is digital treasure hunt? ›

🗺️ NFT Treasure Hunts are the latest digital craze where players hunt for virtual treasures. Just like a traditional hunt, players look for clues and solve puzzles to find concealed digital treasures. These can be tokens hidden worldwide or even in metaverses!

How do you make clever clues for a scavenger hunt? ›

40 best clues for your ultimate scavenger hunt
  1. You cut me on a table, but I'm never eaten. ...
  2. A band that doesn't play instruments but has plenty of styles. ( ...
  3. Everything ends with me. ...
  4. How many glasses of water can one drink on an empty stomach? ( ...
  5. I am not a lamp, but I can light up. ...
  6. I am not an organ, but I have 13 hearts.
Oct 12, 2022

How long should a virtual scavenger hunt last? ›

We would recommend your virtual scavenger hunt team building activity to be around 60 mins. Also, the rules of a virtual scavenger hunt should be set before the start. This will help participants know what they are supposed to do and how to go about it.

How many questions for a scavenger hunt? ›

Creating a Scavenger Hunt

Mine usually have 10 to 15 questions, depending on the topic. I want the activity to last 45 minutes to an hour.

Which potion makes you lucky penny? ›

Felix Felicis, also called "Liquid Luck", was a potion that made the drinker lucky for a period of time, during which everything they attempt would be successful. It turned an ordinary day into an extraordinary one.

How to do the penny quest Hogwarts? ›

Speak with Penny, the house-elf who is sweeping the ground outside of the boarded-up shop. She will ask if you are interested in having your own shop because this one is for sale. You have the option to say: My own shop and elf would be brilliant.

Should Penny drink the potion? ›

After you are done, Penny will be unsure if drinking the potion would be a good idea. You can choose to advise her against it if your friendship with her is level ten. This is another important choice. If you told Penny you like her, you definitely want to go with the second option.

What potion did Fred and George drink? ›

A useful potion that could cause the drinker to become temporarily older, an Ageing Potion was used by Fred and George Weasley who tried (and failed) to enter the Triwizard Tournament by tricking their way past the age line around the Goblet of Fire.


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